May 2023

Starter Kit for Sociology

The study of social life, changes and causes – sociology looks at human behavior and interaction. Law and sociology are closely related since law governs human society and sociology accesses our reaction to such governance. Sociology allows the law to understand human patterns and legislate accordingly. From family to crime, and gender to social class,

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Starter Kit for Psychology

Psychology plays an important part in regulating behaviour – which is most of what law does. Law needs to deal with and understand human society, remediate wrongs that have been committed, and regulate individual behaviour in society. However, to what extent this regulation should take place is predominantly the area of philosophy – so please

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Starter Kit for Political Science

Political science is a social science that primarily engages with the theory and practice of political activities, institutions, thoughts, and behavior in and around government systems. Law establishes, maintains, influences, and is influenced by the various government systems, and consequently engages deeply with political science. They together study various interesting areas of research that largely

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Starter Kit for Philosophy

The discipline of philosophy has been central to intellectual discourses throughout ages. All of history testifies to the fact that we humans have continually tried to make sense of our lives and surroundings as well as universal phenomena using our faculties of perception. What this tells us about philosophy as a discipline is that it

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Starter Kit for Economics

There is significant interaction between the study of economics and with law and policy formation. While private law aids individuals and groups willing to enter into free market agreements, public law seeks to correct the shortcomings of a free market system through economic and social regulation. Law and Economics attempts to explain the decisions of legislators,

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